01/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Sample new hammer head

02/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Unpacking new hammer heads

03/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Trimming hammer head tails to selected length

04/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Hammer heads ready to be tapered to control weight

05/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Running hammer heads through tapering procedure

06/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Hammer heads trimmed, tapered, bored and ready to install

07/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Selecting new action components

08/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Matching action components for compatibility with original

09/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Action components installed and preliminary touch weight test

10/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - 52 gram weight testing down weight

11/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - 52 gram weight lifts hammer

12/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Touch too heavy, counter balance needed

13/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Counterbalance weights

14/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Counterbalance weights adjusted

15/15 - PIANO TOUCH WEIGHT - Correct touch weight achieved
