01/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Hammer sets are graded for weight

02/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Hammershank weight is a factor in touch weight

03/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Carbon fibre hammershank

04/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Combination of hammershank and hammerweight

05/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Original parts weighed for comparison

06/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Carbon fibre hammershank and repetition

07/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Hornbeam or maple parts selection

08/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Knuckle to action center distance important

09/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Distance between bearings important aspect of action geometry

10/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Length of bore considered

11/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Margaret determines key weight and leverage

12/12 - PIANO TOUCH DESIGN - Margaret determined key weight and leverage
